Upper Eyelid Surgery


Upper eyelid surgery is indicated when an excess of skin covers the upper eyelid to an extent that exceeds the benefits of maximum medical treatment (Botox + support with hyaluronic acid on the temples).

This excess tissue typically leads to visual fatigue due to the constant need to contract the forehead muscles to lift the upper eyelid; otherwise, the visual field is reduced in the upper part.

This surgery, also called upper blepharoplasty, involves removing this excess skin through a small incision, mostly hidden in the suprapalpebral fold. If necessary, it can also correct a hollow eye, which may be responsible for dry eyes.

From an anatomical perspective, the pre-tarsal part of the eyelid, i.e., the mobile part near the eyelashes, will be preserved.

The procedure is performed under light general anesthesia, without intubation, allowing the use of the latest generation electronic scalpel that cuts and cauterizes simultaneously. As a result, bruising is rare.

Initial Consultations

During the initial consultation, a comprehensive analysis of your face will be conducted in front of the mirror, studying:

  • The eyelids themselves: Do they open well? Are they full or hollow? Symmetrical?
  • Their surroundings: the forehead and its muscular support, the eyebrow and its ligaments, the temple, and its volumetric support. The power of the lower eyelid and eyebrow muscles will also be assessed.

Almost systematically, and to ensure a better result, Botox injections will be performed on the lower eyelid and eyebrow muscles during the preoperative consultation. In the last consultation before surgery, an LED treatment will be performed to prepare the tissues and minimize postoperative swelling.

Associated Techniques

Some other techniques can be performed at the same time. Lipofilling can be associated with the upper eyelid to treat a hollow eye.

Lateral support can be provided beforehand by injecting hyaluronic acid into the temple. Surgical repositioning of the eyebrow tail may also be considered.

At the end of the consultation, in addition to verbal information, my assistants will provide written information in the form of sheets from the French Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, along with a detailed estimate covering surgery fees, anesthesia, clinic costs, and postoperative appointments.


The surgery takes place at the Saint-George Clinic in Hall 2, in a department dedicated to aesthetics located on the footbridge, in the same building as the underground parking.

The surgical team and service teams are specifically trained in pre and postoperative aesthetic care.

The surgery lasts just under an hour. Entry and exit from the clinic are on the same day. A strip is placed on the scar for two days.

You are not allowed to return home alone or sleep alone on the first night. You are not allowed to drive for 24 hours after general anesthesia.

Postoperative Care

At home:

To minimize swelling, we recommend sleeping elevated and on your back for at least 15 days to three weeks. Applying cold to the eyes for 5 times 20 minutes each day and before sleeping is recommended.

Morning and evening care, including disinfection, drying, and the application of a fatty gel, should be done for 10 days. Artificial tears to be applied at least twice a day will be provided for a minimum of one month. Of course, no sports for a month.

At the office:

Twice a week, you will come for LED treatments at the office to minimize swelling, accelerate healing, and monitor progress. Additionally, regular check-ups during the first month are reassuring for everyone. Remote visits are used to monitor healing.

The scar becomes almost invisible over time. If necessary, erbium laser sessions (no social eviction) can finalize the healing. It will then be essential (in my opinion) to preserve the result with biannual injections of botulinum toxin, which will help prevent the upper eyelid from descending over time due to the action of the orbicularis muscle.

A quick anatomical reminder: the orbicularis muscle is responsible for closing the eye. Its outer part is responsible for crow's feet wrinkles. It is also the main depressor of the eyebrow.


  • Indication = teamwork
  • Hospitalization: one day
  • Anesthesia: general without intubation
  • Duration of the intervention: less than an hour
  • Small strip for two days
  • No more bandages afterward!
  • Pain: none
  • Postoperative effects: simple
    • Systematic swelling in the first days
    • Rare bruising (7 days)
  • Sports break: 1 month
  • Results: a good overview of the result from the first week, visible at 10 days, more precision at 2 months, definitive appearance between 1 and 2 years, essential maintenance

Before / after

Click on photos to see details
20 Quai Lunel
06300 Nice
Phone : +33 (0)4 89 03 96 03
 - Dr. Cecile Winter